Monday, May 18, 2009

Narcissist's Anonymous

Due to the lack of punctuation on this comment from my latest End of Course Evaluation, the point of this sentence is quite different from what I can only assume the participant meant.

"The trainer kept comming (sic) up with ways to keep us wanting to learn she was the best."


My name is Lindsay and I am a narcissist. I frequently come up with new and creative ways of teaching my trainees that I am, indeed, the best.


Darren said...

You are so the best!

Chad, Joanna and Emmie said...

I second Darren's motion =o)

dozenhalls said...

That one is SO my favorite! And I would put exclamation points at the end of her sentence as I am sure there was no punctuation there either :)
And, girlfriend, you ARE the best! Love & Hugs!