Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Last night as I drove to meet my friend Sarah for dinner, I was talking on the phone with another friend who is married & has two children. As we said goodbye she, with envy in her voice, said, “Have fun eating a quiet meal that you don’t have to prepare.” I answered back with equal envy, “Enjoy your evening with your husband.”
And then I began to think about our conversation and it reminded me of a quote that I just read from Beverly LaHaye.

“Consider this - many times people
on the other side of the fence are admiring
how green your grass is.”

Hmmm... this little sheep needs to concentrate on how blessed I am, and how luscious my grass is in this stage of life!


Jeanette said...

Boy, can I relate to that thought process! I'm so quick to think that married people have no real problems - as if their lives are any more perfect than mine. Of course, there are times I think married people are quick to forget the negatives of singlehood, which I think is equally irritating. Sigh....oh well. :)

Rachelle said...

The pastures are green on both sides of the fence. Someday, at the right time, I hope some studly godly sheep with a good sense of humor takes you by the hand and leaps with you over the fence. Until then, enjoy dinners out, going to the movies, and gallavanting all over the country to visit friends and family. Gallavant this way soon, ok?

Amy K said...

Hey Linds! That IS wild that we posted on the same thing at the same time. :) They say that we would never be envious of anyone else's life if we knew all the facts about their life. Sigh . . . Keep postin' - it's great to keep in touch with you this way! -Amy