Friday, February 11, 2005

How do you spell euphoria?

I spell it...


Highlights from the evening include:

*Eating at Gaucho's - a Brazilian steakhouse. You get a salad first, and then when you're ready, the servers start coming by with eleven different kinds of meat all roasted on swords (like slices of prime rib, filet mignon, sausages, & turkey wrapped in bacon) for you to choose from, all cooked in delectible spices that I'd never tasted before (Rachelle's kind of place :)

*Laughing til our sides ached because Amy couldn't understand the waiters when they came to offer her meat. One poor guy came over & offered her some beef. He had to say it four times, and even then she didn't get it, so with the threat of tears streaming down my face from repressed laughter, I told the waiter "She'll just take some!"

*Walking under our inadequate umbrella (it was snowing & sleeting, with a very gusty wind!) on the trecherous sidewalks to make it to the arena.

*The lights going down and the anticipation of just which song will he sing first, where will be come out on stage, etc...

*Calling Drewey on the cell phone during "Vincent." And how beautiful it was, b/c they had Van Gogh's painting of Starry Night behind him as he sang. And also, having her on the phone during the song from "The Soundtrack of Our Lives." So many memories...

*Josh calling himself a "dork" after making a dumb joke... How can someone who can sing like that be a dork?

*And the best part was just soaking in the music. Music is such a deep thing, and touches a part of the soul that is hard to describe in words. Therefore, I will stop. Just know that it was one of the best evenings of my life...

1 comment:

Amy K said...

That's awesome, Lindsay. Sounds like you had a great time. I love hearing the humorous details. :)