Tuesday, February 15, 2005

On my bookshelf...

Sassy, Single & Satisfied: Secrets to Loving the Life You're Living
Michelle McKinney Hammond
A truly great book that I've immensely enjoyed... until I saw it yesterday (yes, yesterday was Valentine's Day) & wanted to hurl it across the room.

Mystics, Mavericks, and Merrymakers: An Intimate Journey Among Hasidic Girls

Stephanie Wellen Levine
I'm only 60 pages into this one, and it's a slow read, but very enjoyable. It's a touching view of the devotion that these girls have to staying seperate from the world, yet trying to evangelize those who have left strict Judaism behind.

Reflections: Life After the White House
Barbara Bush
Though I don't like this one as much as her first book, I do love autobiographies... and she is a very personable writer.

Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation
Cokie Roberts
Another biography (definitely my favorite type of book!), but this one is of many people. I find it very interesting, and yet a little disturbing to read some of the stories that the author has un-earthed. Isaac, was Benjamin Franklin really such a horrible guy?

Crime & Punishment
Fyodor Dostoevsky
I think I'm reading this one just because I love saying "Dostoevsky!" This one has been on my bookshelf for too long. It's hard to get into, and very dark, but most of my college-attending friends have had to read it, and I don't want to be the only ignoramus when we get together!


Anonymous said...

I remember how wretched Valentine's Day is for singles. Maybe that's why I am still not into it, though I love my spouse, son and many others. I used to always wear black on Valentine's Day and referred to it as Single Awareness Day. And when people said, "Oh you're getting married the day after Valentine's Day," I would respond, "Actually it's President's Day weekend." :) rlr

Sarah M. said...

Wow, Crime and Punishment. I'm impressed! Another well known "classic" I've been wanting to read, but have never gotten around to is Vanity Fair. I'm not sure if the recent film did the book justice or not since I haven't seen it and haven't read the book.

Anonymous said...

Very probably. (Actually I don't know much about Franklin, but as a firm believer in the total depravity of man ... sure why not?)