Saturday, September 16, 2006

Choose Your Own Adventure

Did any of you read those books when you were smaller? They'd start out, and then you got to pick different options for the way the book would end.

Let's do that now for my life...

You've learned in recent blogs that I just started school! (Insert many happy noises here :)

Then, in the most recent post, you learned that I got the part of Yente in "Fiddler on the Roof!" (Thanks to all who left such encouraging comments for me! I'm thrilled at the opportunity!)

Now, I'm leaving it up to you, my dear readers to choose/guess what happened last night.

Here are the options you're presented with:

A) Slept quietly through the night and woke up oh-so-rested this sunny morning

B) Woke up in the middle of the night experiencing extreme pain, and spent the night in the ER

C) Stayed up all night long reading "Crime & Punishment" to cross the silly book off my 30-by-30 list

I'll give the answer in a day or two...


Kristi said...


I don't know why, it just sounded more likely the way you worded it.

Aaron said...

I think it's B too for other reasons...

Susan Elizabeth said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I wish we could've talked this morning. I hope you feel better soon. Call or e-mail if you need me.