Sunday, September 17, 2006

Option B Sucks!

So, Option B in the last post is what happened on Friday night... or Saturday morning.

I hadn't been feeling well Thursday or Friday, but just assumed that my back was out. It goes out periodically, and because it's been bad for years, any time my back hurts, I just attribute it to the scoliosis.

On Thursday and Friday, it hurt between my shoulder blades, and started affecting my stomach. This has happened before as well, so I just tried to ice/heat/and ibuprofen my way through it.

Friday night I went to bed wicked early, and woke up at 12:30 in severe pain. I tried to do all the things I could think of to relieve it, and stuck it out until 3:00, when I called Ask-A-Nurse. In describing my symptoms, she suggested I go to the ER, because it sounded like a gallbladder thing. (My words, not hers :)

Evan graciously drove me there at 3:30 Saturday morning, and after blood tests and an ultrasound it was decided that I had gallstones, and should contact a surgeon. That's on my to-do list for tomorrow. (Please pray for wisdom on their part, and my part, and a quick decision to be made)

The meds they gave me have me in a pretty altered state personality-wise, but take care of the pain. I'm also on a strict no fat, no fried food, no coffee (kill me now!), no caffeine diet. Pea pods, applesauce and fat free saltines have been my staple for the past 36 hours. Yum!

As we were leaving the ER, there was a middle aged man sitting in a mini van parked next to us. His window was rolled down and as I got in Evan's van, he said to me, "Morning - it sucks." Made me laugh pretty hard in the midst of all the pain!


Kristi said...

Wow, that's no fun! Hope you feel better soon!

Mrs. RF said...


Unknown said...

We'll be praying too, Lindsay.

Booker said...

uggh! keep us all updated. We prayed for you in prayer meeting sunday...

melrandall said...

poor, poor you! I'm so sorry! Options A and C sounded so much better...

Trusting for speedy resolution to the whole thing... I love you!

Claire said...

OH my WORD! What is it with you and random men making odd/funny/bizzare comments? And Oh my WORD, you Poor Thing! I can't be-lieeeeeve this! I hope the pain killers are keeping you happy. Keep us posted...and get well soon, honey-bunny! HUGS TO YOU!!!

ljm said...

Oh poor Lindsay, that is so awful! Let us know how things go.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lindsleigh! I'll be praying for you!! Please update when you can. Lots of hugs coming to you from here. xo