Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tid Bits & Such

* I was thinking I'd be all clever and come up with a title called "A Tid Bit Sort of Post" and started writing that in, BUT it was already there.. as a title for another one of my posts. It's hard when my cleverness has already been used!

* Tonight at dinner:
Jed - "Do you know what amazes me?"
Aunt Lindsay - "What amazes you?"
Jed - "That you're not married yet!"
Aunt Lindsay (tongue in cheek) - "It amazes me too!"
Jed - "Yeah - I don't think you're ever going to get married."
Aunt Lindsay (in her head) - "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bud-row!"

*At church last Sunday we put out a "Suggestion basket" for music. That way if people were wanting some new music, or hated what is currently being done, or had incredible ideas, they'd feel free to write it down and I'd pick them up weekly.
I went over to the church tonight to read through the suggestions.
One caught my eye... it read

"We need lots more drums!"

Funny that the handwriting looked so similar to my pastor's!


the Joneses said...

Good idea about the suggestion basket. I think I'll do that too.

Note to pastor: Drums = badness. Chant = goodness. :)


CKS said...

"Um, could you head-bang a little more? Because that makes me feel worshipful. Thanks."

Unknown said...

Hahahaha!!! I didn't write any suggestions, but that one sounds good. :)

Kristi said...

Does he mean more drums than you already have?

Booker said...

I think you guys SHOULD chant! now that would be cool...

Aaron said...

When I told Daddy about it, he said we should just have ten or twenty times as many drums as we already have, and then we'll be all set. :)

Susan Elizabeth said...

how about just a nice triangle or cowbell...or maybe just a bongo...

TripleNine said...

If we get drums, I know the perfect guy for the job. Check out the bags site. (I'de link it, but can't get it to work.)

~jenna said...

wes, way too funny, ahhhhhhhhh:)