Sunday, May 06, 2007

So, This is Kinda Funny

I heard of this quiz from one of my friends, who shall rename nameless, and thought it would be funny to do :)

Lindsay --


A real life muppet

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

PS - want to know the definition of the aforementioned friend's name? "A person who falls into an outhouse and dies." I guess I should feel lucky to only be a muppet!


drewey fern said...

That's so funny!

I tried mine and got "fuzzy to the touch." What is that supposed to mean?!?! So then I tried it again and got "person with the power to become invisible." Having just read a student book report on "The Invisible Man," (which is rather a grim tale) I decided to try again. Third time's the charm - I got "master of storytelling!" I should go write a blog while I'm feeling inspired:) But no, I think I'd better get my lesson plans done... Sigh. :)

Rachelle said...

Rachelle --

Like in nature to a banana peel

Hmmm...Perhaps a reason why boys' mothers never liked me. I'm sure they were telling their sons: "This girl might cause you to slip."

Kristi said...

I'm wondering how in the world they come up with these definitions. Mine was too insulting or embarassing to publish!

Laughter said...

Uh... Banshee-like
