Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Love to LAUGH!

Massage - $77
Bottled Water - $2.50
Sharing a laugh with a stranger - Priceless

This afternoon, after a most relaxing massage (with no Houston-esque extras, you'll be glad to know) I went to Barnes & Noble.

And while there, made a quick trip to the restroom. Another lady was ahead of me, but right before we walked in we saw a woman walk into the men's room.

First lady and I looked at each, shrugged our shoulders, and went into our respective stalls.

All was silent, and then we heard a horrified yell from beyond the wall.

And we both burst out laughing.

The laughing continued until we met again at the sink.

"I can't wait to tell my family about this," she said.

"And I can wait to tell my blog about this," thought I.


Claire said...

That happened to me before - except I was the woman walking into the men's room. Yeaaaaah....

kw said...

that is hilarious...your first paragraph sounded like a commercial:)

Anonymous said...

Love it! :)

TripleNine said...

I know I told you this in church the other week, but I had to write it in a comment. If there was ever a time the line, 'What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?' should have been used, it was then.