Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Little Re-cap of New Year's Eve

Last night, the festivities began at Texas Roadhouse with Drewey, Amy, DJ & Wes... oh, and me.

The wait was l-o-n-g... including much peanut tossing back and forth. A particularly bling-ed out patron was caught in the cross-fire once, but no harm done...

The food was amazing, as always, and then we headed back to DJ's place... losing Drewey to a Watch Night service along the way.

By the time we reached DJ's house, my body was seeing my food choice as a suicide attempt, and was doing all that it could to let me know it did not approve.

Every once in a while, since having my gallbladder taken out last fall, my body decides to revisit the fun times that gallbladder attacks were, just to see if I remember what they're like.

Believe me... I remember.

So, for about 45 minutes, I lay curled in a ball on DJ's bedroom floor, assuring my body we would get through this.

DJ came in and rubbed my back, and when I could uncurl, he lay down beside me, shoulder to shoulder, for support.

After I convinced my body that it would survive to see another year, we watched "Sleepless in Seattle" which is probably one of my top five favorites for movies. Wes threatened to go in and curl up in a ball on the floor at having to watch a chick-flick, but I think he made it through just fine.

On this day of focusing on what the last year held, and what the future may hold, I think on this...
I am lucky in the friends that I have!


NH Knitting Mama said...

Aw, I'm sorry you were sick! But, you had good friends to help you out. Nothing like being sick and feeling alone.

Happy New Year, my friend.


Claire said...

Awwwww... Sorry, couldn't resist being the third to say it... :) Hope you're all better now!

Wesley threatening to curl up into a ball b/c of a c/f made me laugh. What a funny boy.

drewey fern said...

AWW! (I am a lemming.) Ahem. I think the world should know that I don't usually smile like that - I was grimacing with the extra effort and concentration it was taking to snap the picture. :)