Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day the Fourth

Greetings from the land of WalMarts, not Targets. Better for my bank account. Unfortunate for my happiness.

The thing that has caused me to say, "hmmm" this day is as follows: In my stay here, I have gone to the workout room numerous times, and up to the concierge lounge for drinks and fruit in the evenings and breakfast in the mornings. And besides the hostess in the lounge, I am the only female I've seen amongst all the businessmen. What do we think about that? I say "hmmm." Do you?

One of my goals for this trip is not to just get out of work and come right back to the hotel. I want to not have a list of "should have done this" when I get home. So, tonight I drove around exploring, trying to familiarize myself with the area. The class had suggested this huge grocery store/farmer's market-ish thing that I went to. It was HUGE! And they had fresh cut flowers for cheap! When I go home this weekend I will bring a vase back with me! Flowers in my room will make me the happiest person around!

Last night as Lisha & I drove around I discovered a Rita's Italian Ice! I cannot even begin to describe the euphoria my heart experienced! I fell in love with that place when I went to visit Darren & Sara last summer. But we don't have them in NH. So I've been salivating after this for almost a year. All day long I thought about it, and told myself I could get one after dinner. But I was too full. My life = wicked hard. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

Conversation today with Miss Don't-Bore-Us went as follows:

Miss DBU - "What are you going to do tonight?"
Me - "Go tanning. I'm tired of being the whitest person in the room."
Miss DBU - "So, you're no longer going to be the color of the board?" She pointed to the dry erase board I was standing near.
Me - No clever comeback, as I was laughing
She then proceeded to quiz me about tanning in general. Not tanning beds. Just making one's skin darker. Because God gave her skin that doesn't need tanning. And she is confused by the whole process. As I was explaining how it worked to her, I made the mistake of saying "you know?"
Miss DBU - "No, I DON'T know" she informed me, accompanied by head bob and finger wiggle

And that is what I have to say about that!


Susan Elizabeth said...

All I can say is, "wow". Sounds like Miss DBU has quite the chip on her shoulder. Can't wait for further recorded conversations...very interesting!
("Oh no you dit-int!")

Have I mentioned lately how much I miss your smiling face?! Hope to cross paths this weekend...

So I ran faster but you caught me here. said...
