Friday, April 29, 2005

Lobster Randomness

When I'm first introduced to people, and they find out that I'm from New England, it seems that invariably they mention something about how I must love living in a place where lobsters are so prevelent. I love New England, but the plethora of lobsters is far from the reason why. In fact, I detest eating lobster! When we lived in Essex, we were less than five miles from the world-renowned Woodman's Seafood, but that treat was wasted on me, because I loathe all seafood.

Here's where the randomness comes in. I just started reading an autobiography of a woman who lives off the coast of Maine, and is one of very few female lobster fishermen. It's a fascinating tale, and I'm enjoying it immensely. She started out her book with this interesting fact, and now I'm imparting this trivia nugget to all of you, so that you may now wow friends & acquaintences with randomness.

"Prior to the nineteenth century, only widows, orphans, and servants ate lobster. And in some parts of New England, serving lobster to prison inmates more than once a week was forbidden by law, as doing so was considered cruel and unusual punishment."
The Lobster Chronicles - Linda Greenlaw

So, the next time you bite into a lobster dinner than costs an entire paycheck, and you feel the jealous stares of those dining around you, remember that had you been born in a different era, you'd be considered someone to be pitied. Oh the irony!


Booker said...

I still feel sorry for those eating lobster. When it is considered an artform to be able to break something's head off and suck out the insides, well, that is like envying those monks who sit on tops of mountains and go 'omh' over and over to achieve "nirvanna". Both seem hokey to me :)

Anonymous said...

"female lobster fishermen".....shouldn't that be fisherwoman? female lobster fisher? lobster fisher gal?