Sunday, January 23, 2005

Let it snow, snow, snow!

There is snow everywhere! The wind has piled the white fluffy drifts over half way up my front door, and church is cancelled. I haven't heard any cars go by today... just the plows. We already have well over a foot & in reading the weather, I see we're expecting another 4-6 inches today.

When Evan called this morning to tell me about church being cancelled, he said that they're having a little service at their house around 11 if I want to go. "Yes," he said, "you can wear comfy clothes, just no pajamas." How nice is it to have the pastor be my big brother??


Anonymous said...

We're loving the day just like you. Thanks for your call today and the sweet time that we had discussing our books together. Not often that Dad discusses a book with you, is it? We're getting the snow too and enjoying the comfort of the wood fire and each other.

Take care, Sweetie.


Amy K said...

Lindsay - I saw the NE weather reported on Drudge today and thought of you! Wow, the pictures are incredible!

We enjoyed getting your xmas letter this weekend. I love your hairstyle in the pic - very chic.
