Friday, January 28, 2005

Random Thoughts from this Blogger's Mind

* I am the happiest housekeeper right now. I just spent two hours cleaning & it feels like home again!

* With great pride today, I wore a scarf of my own making! And was GLAD to show it to anyone & everyone who walked by

* The stars are incredibly bright tonight. As I took my walk I wished that I knew more about constellations & whether the brightest lights were stars or planets.

* How ‘bout them Patriots?? All of New England is holding its breath to see whether we’ll be lucky enough to have winners in both baseball and football this year.

* I’m so glad that the full moon is passed! The people that call at work are ten times crazier at this time of the month.

* Did I tell you I’m going to a Josh Groban concert?? February 10th! Can’t wait.

* I’ve been sick for quite awhile, so, at the advice of my sister-in-law, I’m trying to cut out dairy to see if maybe I have a food allergy. Have you ever noticed how every single yummy thing that there is to eat has dairy in it??? I do not love this!

* Today when I got out of work, it seemed almost balmy… and it was just 10 degrees! Do you know why it seemed warm? Because it had been way below zero when I left for work this morning. A jump of over 20 degrees helps every time.

* I got a call at work this week from a woman who was married to James Bond. I wonder how tired she gets of saying, “Yes - that’s right, James Bond.”

* Working with diagnosis codes every day, I see some weird ones. Did you know that there is a diagnosis code for “Injury involving space craft?” Wonder how many doctors have had to use that one...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used to have fun at work (when I was in medical) with the code book. I can't remember exactly how it was phrased, but we found one for Virgin Mary syndrome. "No, really doctor, I've never had sex. I have no idea how I could be pregnant." That's got to be a fun one. -rlr