Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Angels Among Us

Subtitled - "Reason 7,853 that I LOVE living on Chestnut Hill"

This evening I was curled up in my chair, reading a book, and feeling grateful that the day was over. I had gone for a half day of work, and that pretty much sapped all my energy. I heard a car door, then the crunching of feet on snow, and then... my doorbell!
There was Bria, my neighbor from down the road. In her hands were gifts. "We read on your blog that you were sick, so here's some chicken soup, some echinacea tea, and because you can't be healthy all the time that you're sick, an ice cream sandwich!"
Bless that family's hearts! After she left, I don't know which was stronger - the delicious smell of chicken broth that permeated my apartment, or the feeling of being oh-so-loved-and-taken-care-of.
Living by myself, every once in a while I'm panicked by the thought of, "What if I fell and no one knew, and then I'd never be rescued, and I could die alone, and no one would know for days." Then I remind myself that I live on Chestnut Hill, and there is no chance that this would ever happen. And now I am doubly reassured. Because now I know that if I do fall, as long as I can drag my broken body to my computer & post on my blog, someone will be by shortly to rescue me!


Rachelle said...

Wow! I'm so glad that all of us who can't help out when you are sick can feel secure knowing there are many who love you and are watching out for you.

drewey fern said...

Mostly I'm impressed that even in your sickly state you knew how to spell echinacea! And I hope it works fast and soon and well...

Linds said...

Don't let the spelling fool you! I had the tea bag right in front of me while I typed :)