Saturday, March 26, 2005

Christ is Risen INDEED!

Yes, I know Easter is tomorrow, but I'm in such an Easter-y mood. I was just talking via IM with dear friend who is in Jerusalem right now, and she was giving me an insight on what it's like to celebrate in the land where the Ressurection took place. She is actually going to a sunrise service tomorrow morning at the Garden Tomb. Just thinking about being there where Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD brought me to tears.
And yet, being there is also bittersweet, because Katie is surrounded by Jews who don't believe. They choose to ignore the fact that Jesus did all this for them. Here's an excerpt from our chat.

ellishaeva: Guess what Lindsay?
blondeFBIgrad: what?
ellishaeva: HE really did rise from the dead!!!
blondeFBIgrad: He really did! And it was for US!
ellishaeva: In a city that doesn't acknowledge him it is so much more precious and real to me
ellishaeva: I want to run about the streets and grab people and
ellishaeva: oh I wish they only knew the depth of HIS love for THEM!!! and they don't need to try so hard
ellishaeva: He died for them !!! and better yet, he is alive and praying for them
blondeFBIgrad: One day, Katie - One HAPPY day they will all know - and I can't wait!

Praise the Lord that it's true - there will be a day when EVERY knee shall bow. And each day that we live brings us one day closer to that day!
Happy Easter - this weekend may we all bask in the knowledge that the grave no longer holds our King!


pennyjean said...


drewey fern said...

Thank you, Linds. I love the way that friends are so often the channel for something that is straight from God. Thanks for this wonderful truth!