Thursday, March 03, 2005

A fly on the wall heard this last night

Derrick was over for our weekly "LOST" fix. I was eating as he walked in.

Me - "You're welcome to have some dinner - it's dry cereal."

Derrick - "No thanks, I already had dinner. I had hot dogs & yogurt."

Me - "We are so single..."


Amy K said...

Honestly, cold cereal is one of my favorite things to have for dinner sometimes. About once every month or so Kevin actually lets me get away with it! :-P

Kate said...

silly you! Hey- I have a blog, but the only reason I have it is so I can post comments on other people's blogs!
I miss you! I love you! You are so funny! Yesterday I watched all those silly little videos of us at Matt's party. :-) Sigh